Saturday, December 27, 2008

Prince Nuada in Hell Boy and Why I Got A Spear For Christmas

I have always enjoyed the choreography of fight scenes in movies, especially those with sharp, pointy things. Special effects enhance the visuals so I can't look away-not that I would anyway- because I'm so completely enthralled. It goes along with my favorite book genres to read: urban fantasy, fantasy, paranormal, paranormal romance, science fiction and historical fiction.

So this year I got a beautiful Greek Hoplite spear for Christmas and it looks similar to Prince Nuada's, sans the magic. The magic really ups the price these days with the economy being what it is and the shortage of magic spear craftsman around.

While opening the long, narrow box, I was thinking it was a flag pole or a garden spade...a very loooong garden spade. But through fits of laughter my family told me what it was and I couldn't believe it.

"You got me a weapon?" I asked, incredulously.

My pulse quickened. Photographs are proof of the fey-like grin that slowly spread across my face. My eyes sparkled.

I have a spear. I have a real spear! I can protect my kingdom from things that go bump in the night. I'm alpha female, one kick-ass chick.

Yeah, right!

1 comment:

Thanks for the feedback. Be well, and happy reading!

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