City of Glass is a perfect conclusion to the Mortal Instrument series by Cassandra Clare. The main characters have grown throughout the series, but come into their own in this final installment, each facing their weaknesses, and drawing on their strengths to confront their darkest fears.
It's clearly evident that Cassandra Clare has grown as an author, as well; her writing is more focused, descriptive and the pace is dead on. I lost myself in the story. For the last several chapters, I was choking back sobs, unable to put the book down. The emotional conclusion had me crying and snotting all over myself. Somebody remind me to buy tissue!
Additionally-and lucky for us, if it's true-there are openings that hint the author may continue writing stories that take place within her shadowhunter/downworlder universe, perhaps including the Faerie Queen, Meliorn, Raphael, Simon, and the mysterious girl mentioned only for an instant, with brown hair, a long white dress, and looking vaguely familiar to Clary...
The Mortal Instruments is a wonderful, smart, action-packed series and it was fun to be guided through it all by Cassandra Clare's blossoming talent.
5 Stars
I finished this one last week too and was happy with the way it ended. I think I read some where Clare said she didn't resolve who Simon ends up with because he will have his own story line. That would be awesome. I really want to see a story focusing on Isabelle too.