In January I was excited about having weekly book giveaways but it didn't last long because brutal reality invaded my dreamy perception of my perfect little world. I seriously hate when that happens.
My ka-ching decreased considerably. After deciding to change jobs to allow more time to focus on my writing, I could no longer afford buying the occasional new books to fill in the giveaways that I couldn't get from authors. I also went through some kind of worm hole and found that, although I am working fewer hours, I actually have less time. And it isn't because I'm writing; it seems everyone wants me to do something now that-to them-I'm being leisurely.
Said worm hole has in no way intruded upon my reading time. Books are my escape, my narcotic, and I'm hopelessly addicted to the characters and their stories that authors skillfully weave. I don't always have the time to update this page though, sorry to say, but one of my more recent reads was The Russian Concubine by Kate Furnivall. OMG! I love, love, LOVE that book! If you have a chance, read it. I highly recommend it. The ending left me crying for more, and I thought about the story several days once finished. I researched an old interview with the author, and at the time she wasn't planning a sequel. At first I was heart broken at losing these beloved characters, but then I realized that it's a mark of a good novel, to leave your readers wanting more and allowing the character's future to live on in the readers imagination. It felt right to me. I was happy. But then I found out, The Girl from Junchow, the continuation of the story, will be released June 2nd. I am so all over that book when it comes out, but it brings forth a few questions.
Why is a stand alone book, wonderful and deserving of great praise, continued? Is it the publisher urging the author to write? Is it the fans? Is ka-ching the driving factor? I have made my peace with the end and now I'm faced with something new and guarateed to be a better thrill ride than I imagined, or will it? What if it sucks? How will the sequel influence reader's perception of the first book, or will it at all? When does an author say "enough is enough?" Perhaps the author felt her character's story needed telling. I hope that's why she wrote, The Girl from Junchow, because then, as a fan, you know her heart is in it, and that can only mean it will be an exciting piece of work.
Do you think fans can influence whether an author continues a story? I've sent Robyn McKinley a few fan letters praising, Sunshine, and if there were any plans for a sequel, to which she hasn't replied. Gee, I wonder why?
Now I feel I must clarify something about myself. I am not a crazed fan with nothing better to do than to harrass authors. In fact, I've found that most authors enjoy their fans and correspond when they can (at least those I've contacted). So by McKinley's silence I can only surmise there will not be a sequel to Sunshine, which contains one of the only vampire scenes that scared and shocked me. It begins on page 12 of my older edition. It was white knuckle reading for me! I wasn't expecting the turn of events and it blew me away. The book continues to be one of my favorites for that reason. And the ending left me craving more. Sign of a good book, remember? But in this case, I have not come to grips with the ending. My only complaint would be too much baking and not enough Constantine. More Connie, please! kthxbai!
In my mind, Constantine is a dangerous predator that fell in love with Rae, a young woman, long before Bella and Edward were even dreamt about. A sequel to this book leaves the story wide open. It could go anywhere. I personally would love to see a follow-up to this story written with adults that enjoy horror in mind. Constantine isn't beautiful, but he definitely is incredibly interesting and charismatic, and I couldn't help but fall for him. I'd love to see a sexy, romance, horror continuation and if there isn't a happily ever after, that's okay. I just want more, darn it! Maybe Robyn McKinley isn't "feeling it", in which case, my imagination will have to continue to run wild until it settles on something that satisfies it and could put this longing to rest. LOL! I have found some great vampire series that fit the bill, though. I am enjoying Jennifer Armintrout's books. By the way, check this out:
I'm presently almost finished with City of Ases by Cassandra Clare. What a great YA series. On March 24th, I bought City of Glass, the conclusion of the trilogy and I can't wait to get started on it. I bought the very last copy in the book store and I found it by chance hidden behind a bunch of books in another section so I think I took someone's hidden secret stash they were going to come back for later. Oops! But it's dog eat dog world out there and if you snooze you loose so I WIN! HAHA!
Well, this turned out to be a much longer post then I planned and it's pure randomness. Anyway, as time permits, I hope to have giveaways for books I'm passionate about by authors I enjoy or personal books I can part with easily.
Happy reading, everyone and have a wonderful day.