Thursday, November 10, 2011

Show Gratitude for Books!

YA author Beth Revis had a dream of a lifetime come true this year, the publication of her first novel, Across the Universe so with an attitude of gratitude she's sponsoring a YA book giveaway that will make your pulse race!  19 books to 1 lucky winner!  Give me a pinch and call me Zippy!  What?  Huh? Never mind.

A part of the entry is to post about a book you are most thankful for, and although it's unlikely I'll win, I still very much want to post this, because the book, and the author's blog are changing my life.

Recommended to me by Lori of Pure Imagination, I devoured Lips Touch Three Times by Laini Taylor.  I couldn't put it down.  

But there's something else about this book.  It's magic.  Real.  Magic.  The kind that teleports you out of time and place and lands you in some other world.  Excitement bubbles up inside and your hands tremble because you can not  predict the ending, and it's a scary, thrilling experience, the not knowing, because you're jaded and not much puzzles you anymore.  Magic that makes your heart beat a foreign rhythm.  Magic that whispers to your soul "I know who you are," and suddenly you're sixteen again.  Everything falls away but the words and they're only for you.

Laini Taylor's books are my soul mates, but this one holds a special place in my heart and on my night stand.  Plus, her blog is fun and inspiring.

1 comment:

Thanks for the feedback. Be well, and happy reading!

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