Thursday, September 22, 2011

Booking Through Thursday: In Public

Do you carry books with you when you’re out and about in the world?
And, do you ever try to hide the covers?

Do I ever!  And because I'm also a quote fiend, I found my favorite quote about this very topic on Goodreads:

“Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them.” 
― Lemony SnicketHorseradish: Bitter Truths You Can't Avoid

I always carry a tote bag with the books I'm currently reading (usually one fiction and one non-fiction), and two or three more I'm interested in.  I take advantage of every free moment I can to lose myself in a book.

I do hide the covers when I read during my lunch break at the hospital.  People can be very opinionated and judgmental (*cough* doctors *cough*).  I love to talk books, but sometimes I just want to read, and be left alone, and not get into a heated discussion defending my reading taste.  Let me explain:

While reading The Russian Concubine I was told I was reading "smut". The book is far from being smutty, and I had to throw down with the doucher and put him in his place.  

Another time I was reading poetry, and was told I should trash it and read something worthwhile: the newspaper.  I tried to defend the arts in all its forms, but to no avail.


While out in public I don't hide the covers because the general population is  capable of interesting book discussions, which I always enjoy.

Not really, but yeah, this is hilarious


How about you?  Do you carry books with you when you're out and about?  Do you hide the covers?


  1. Hi!
    I've always got a book with me. Have a great day!

    Food for Thought

  2. I always carry a book. Check out my full answer for this week's Booking Through Thursday.

  3. The only reason I even carry a purse is to have something to put my books in whenever I go out. I buy my books based on size (will this one be able to fit a 600 page book?). LOL

    I sometimes hide the covers of YA books when I'm reading before a class because, like you said, some people can be judgmental. But at least I read YA books in public now. Before, I would always double-book and read one book at home and another (a classic or literary fiction) in public.

  4. I always carry a book with me too! Since i ride public transportation I think its so funny who stares at the book I am reading and who doesn't.

  5. I always have a book with me or my Kindle, or both like today. The only time I hide covers is if I am reading smut and there are kids around.

  6. (Yeah, I know this is totally late. ;)

    My answer is a resounding NO. Read why here:


Thanks for the feedback. Be well, and happy reading!

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